i'm alive + journaling

Hey guys! Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I haven't posted since December of last year, but I've been busy surviving... middle school has made my life a lot more exhausting.

However, I've discovered  a form of "therapy"... journaling. Now, all of you know what journaling is... but I want to discuss how I do it...

  1. Morning Pages/ Stream of Conciousness                                                                                                        This came from Aileen Xus' YouTube channel called Lavendaire. Stream of Conciousness is basically transcribing your thoughts/flowing. I call it "brain vomiting"- you don't need punctuation, correct grammar, spelling, anything. Morning Pages is that, but first thing it the morning, which really helps your day go good.
  2. "Record"/Daily Journaling: This is the type that comes to most peoples mind when they think of "journaling"- sitting down at the end of the day and recording what you did that day.
Let me know if you think I should start another type!
