Humane Society

Yes, I know I already posted about the ASPCA but I love animals so I'm going to continue with these types of posts :).

 OK, those were the fun pictures. Now for the ones of animals from the HSU.

This is a picture from the HSU's website. The cat pictured it Bella. She is an 11 year old medium shorthair with a tortie color.

Now time for a dog:
Luckily, there are only 8 dogs currently at the society :) (5/31: I misounted/misread. There are plenty of dogs there :( that's bad news)
Here's one:

This is Finiti, a 9 year old tan colored Australian Shepard.

5/31/18: Amazing news! Finiti is no longer on the HSU website which means she was adopted!!! Hurrah!
New dog picture:

This is Cookies, a 2 year old male smooth-coated chihuha.
Sadly, Bella is still at the shelter.
There are 91 cats at the shelter, which is super super super sad. Luckily, my personal favorite-Blackjack- was adopted!
There are 28 dogs at the shelter! Better stats than cats, but still not great.
There are 14 OTHERS (guinea pigs/rabbits). That's fairly good.


  1. To sad about the 133 animals at the shelter. They'll be adopted soon though- I just know it!

  2. Oh no! Should update stats... gtg check the website!
    41 cats
    39 dogs
    15 others
    All of the stats went up except for cats... let me see if pictured animals (Bella-cat- and Cookies-dog- are there..., and they're no!


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