Pre-teen through Early Teenager Bucket List (10-15)

  •   Get horseback riding lessons (chores instead of paying?)
  •  Go to JA BizTown Summer Camp 
  • Get an article published in the Salt Lake Tribune 
  • Teach Sienna a couple new tricks
  •  Get my blog(s) worldwide. I can use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and other strategies.
  • Finish the collaboration project with Chloe Alnetta (about that- Chloe, e-mail me and I have some info about fabric and whatnot OK?)
  • Get a book published 
  • Sew one of my designs 
I know this seems like a hard list, but I think I can do it!!!!! As for the hardest one (publishing a book), I am working on a very promising one. I might not get it published, but hey! A girl can dream, right?

12/22/17- I am 2/3 of the way to completing "Get my blogs worldwide". By that I mean another country other than the USA.
Sarbear's blog is like that, and so is Sienna the One and Only. SewCute is only read in the America's though.
Christmas Eve- SewCute apparently is also. Sorry about the misconception.

12/27/17- I have completed "Get my blogs worldwide". My current bucket list is:
  •  Get horseback riding lessons (chores instead of paying?)
  •  Go to JA BizTown Summer Camp 
  • Get an article published in the Salt Lake Tribune 
  • Teach Sienna a couple new tricks
  • Finish the collaboration project with Chloe Alnetta (about that- Chloe, e-mail me and I have some info about fabric and whatnot OK?)
  • Get a book published 
  • Sew one of my designs 
Wish me luck!
