Mad Lib!

Alright- here's a Mad Lib. You need to find words for the part of speech (or a relative, place, body part, etc) down below, and then insert them into the story below. It's always hilarious!

Verb (ended in ed or past tense verb- like ran):
Amount of time:
Verb ending in -ing

I'm so EMOTION  to go to PLACE that I VERB there with RELATIVE. ACQUAINTANCE  was there also, and we stood in line chatting together for AMOUNT OF TIME. I considered VERB ENDING IN -ING, I was so EMOTION.

Here's a persons completed one:
I'm so embarrassed to go to the doctor's office that I giggled  there with my step-uncle.  Jacob was there also, and we stood in line chatting together for 13 seconds. I considered wiggling, I was so angry.
This was what my dad said when he did it.
