Ask Sarbear for advice!
I will answer every reader question that comes this way (via contact form or comments).
I will start this off from one that was asked on Ask Nikki. I put my own advice- 
this is not the advice from Nikki :). See if you like my advice!
The question read:
"My birthday is coming up soon. I’m not exactly sure what I want yet.
However, my parents keep asking me what I want, and I’m afraid to tell them
because I don’t want to be judged.
They are also constantly giving me the “Money doesn’t
grow on trees” speech.
So I feel like, if I ask for something over $20, they’ll get upset.
Could you possibly give me some cheap gift ideas for tweens?
Thirteen,Thoughtful And Thrifty"
Dear Thirteen, Thoughtful And Thrifty-
Your parents mean "Don't ask for an iPhone X or
ridiculously expensice gift". If you're a tween,
here's a basic list of cheap gift ideas:
-A good old-fashioned book! A good book is probably
like $10-$15.
-An app. This won't work if you don't have a cell phone/iPad, but
you know that app that isn't free or you want to
expand/update, but you have to pay for it?
That's a great thing to ask for.
-Gift card for $20 to a place of your choice.
You can pick what you want to buy for yourself.
-A new outfit if you care for fashion! Clothes aren't expensive,
and they're practical as well.

If you have a problem, I'm right around the corner! Ask me for advice!
