Blogger News:
This summer we went to spruces & Southern Utah and are going to Lava Hot Spirngs on Auggest 5th. At the spruces we were at site 8 and it was a water shed but so you could still get acroos with out having to go around the river they put logs down the middle and me Jakes and Johns favorite part is EXPLORING !!!!!!!!!!!!. At southern utah therer were horses !!!!!!!!!!!!! ther names are Trouble,Sugar,Ginger,Dutchess,Hoot, Pilgrim,Lagrim( I am not sure) and a foal I do not known what its name is what is it ? Ginger I would say. Whoa thats foal,s face sure is unquige !!!!!!!!!!!! we slept in a cabbin ours was number was 2 we went to the coral pink sand dounes we had races we went with Debra, Jim, Lee ,Grandma ,Grandpa......................................................................................................
Just so you know we went with the menssens ! ( my moms fmaily )